Our Projects
Diabetes a known killer of Old Folks
When my blood sugar went to high one evening and I thought that the emergency room was the best place for me. Was I in for a huge surprise. My savior two years ago had made a drastic change and become a danger for those venturing into its domain for professional help in a time of health disaster. The corresponding video gives some enlightening viewpoint of how our health care has been taken over by bean counters from Wall Street in the name of profit and the doctors who have given the Hippocratic oath to profit

Urban Economic Health
What do we own??? I'm speaking of how much money we have but what do we own. Do we own the grocery store that feeds us?? The gas station that provides fuel for transportation or the homes and condos we live in???
In 1863 President Lincoln was suppose to have freed the slaves!! Ha, Ha Lincoln the 40 acres and a mule we no longer own. We gave it away for paper money that only means nothing after the economy eats away at its value. For most of the 19th and part of the 20th century its value was based on our gold reserves. WHAT DID YOU SAY!!! WHAT GOLD???